When Will Your Dreams Come True?

Here is one of my favorite quotes on this topic:

Whatever you can do or dream you can begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.


Don't let anything stop you from beginning.  Don't let fear stop you, or low self-esteem, or procrastination or what others will think of you.   Studies have been done on the old and dying and their biggest regret is not taking advantage of an opportunity or failing without even beginning. 

Do you know what your soul's mission and life purpose is?  Follow your passions and you'll find it.  You will be guided to them by love.  What do you love?  Usually people find that their passion is doing something they are good at.  What are your talents, skills, interests...?

If you think you need more education to do what you want, now is definitely the time to go.   There are so many free and low cost courses to take and you can take them online.  Google your passion and see what educational resources are available.

Get a mentor.  If you know someone who is doing what you dream of doing, ask them questions.  If you've only heard of such people, write, phone or send an email.  Amazing things open up when we finally take action on making our dreams come true.

Pray if you believe in a higher power who loves you and wants to co-create with you. 

Listen to the voice within--your intuition. It might speak to you in your heart or a book or someone's words of wisdom or almost anything.  Pay attention and listen.

 Write down your dream in detail.  What is the overall vision you have for your life next year, in five years, in ten years...What service do you wish to do for others, because that is the way to true happiness.

Begin today. 


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And how's by you?  Drop me a line by email or comment and let's have a conversation.